3/12 - The 2024 show has been approved to be a NAN qualifying show!!

3/29 - The is officially full with 40 entrants!!!  A wait list will be started in case of any cancellations.

4/2 - I am in search of a judge for the OF Stone Mini (Pebbles/Chips) Collectability Division.  Unfortunately, our scheduled judge has had something unexpectedly come up and will not be able to join us for the show.  We have a judge!!!

4/3 - Reminder that you have not yet sent in your entry form, please do so.  Judges, I do need one from you especially if you are planning to show in divisions that you are not judging.  Also remember to send in your cover charge (except for judges!).

4/16 - Please note that the OF Breyer Division is also for Other Plastic (Hartland, Copperfox, etc.).

4/27 - Championship ribbons arrived yesterday.  Also learned that Tonya Fowler is not able to judge the OF Breyer Traditional/Classic Breed Division.  I put out the call for a judge and I'm pleased to announce that Mallory Camp will be judging the division for us.  I also need entry forms for several folks.  Remember I must have these forms in order for you to show, judges included.

4/29 - The show is in 12 days!!! I am still missing a few entry forms. Please contact me ASAP if you don't remember if you sent your entry form in or not. I must have them in order for you to show (this includes judges!). Also as a reminder that no money can exchange hands on the day of the show so if you want to purchase raffle tickets, they must be purchased in advance and will be included in your show packet. It's crunch time folks!!

5/6 - Deadline for getting your entry form in and purchase of raffle tickets is Thursday, 5/9/24.

5/9 -Reminder that today, Thursday, May 9th is the last day to purchase raffle tickets. If you marked on your entry form that you wanted raffle tickets and would send funds at a later date, today is that date! Don't miss out!

Also, reminder that the room will be available for us starting from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 10th. Once we get the room set up, you are more than welcome to set up your tables so you can be ready on Saturday morning.

5/10 - Out Stone Mini Collectability Judge has had to cancel at the last minute so Marissa Helling, our Stone Mini Breed Judge will be judging both breed and collectability.  

5/10 - Nora Kathleen is unable to join us due to a family medical emergency.  There was not enough time for her to ship the saddle that she donated to the raffle to me so there is a picture of the saddle on the raffle bag and I will provide her with the name and address of the winner and she will ship the saddle out to you next week.